Dreaming of family and close family friends that have passed away.

Every night I have similar dreams. It is always night time in my dream, so it's always dark. I always see the same places and people, I'll occasionally see a new face or go to a new location, but it is almost similar to living a life when I'm dreaming. If that makes any since. I dream of past homes I have lived in. I will dream about being at my aunts and uncles house and in the dream we all know he's dead, but only I could see him.

I dream of a close family friend as well. I will be at her house and am the only one that can see her and talk to her. (I was/am best friends with her daughter) They feel so real and I remember them clear as day. I dream of some of my old houses being haunted, I dream of a weird hospital, and a hilly similar to Sf. I dream of past ex boyfriends too.

I'm just curious if I'm the only person having dreams like this.