Nursery underway during the chaos!

Angelika • 32 I Married I 🐶🐶🐱 I 👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻 I 👧🏻

All this chaos has me a ball of nerves!!! Not just with what’s going on in the world but my husband and I were already dealing with an unexpected move to a new state and trying to sell our home which was in full renovation mode before the new job/moving news... there is just so much to get done and not enough time!!!!

... but today I decided I just want to do something for baby girl and forget about everything else around me! Photos will eventually be raised as she gets older but I was too lazy to fix it today haha

I still have more to do around the rest of the room but doing this today just made me feel good!

*Why do all my pictures come out blurry on here!? 🤔