

So my One year old son used to be a great sleeper! He was sleeping from 9-2am have a bottle and go right back down till about 7:30 or so. I am a full time teacher and now pregnant with my 3rd, I admit I got Into a habit of bringing him into bed with us after he would wake up during the night... well now he will hardly sleep an hour or 2 in the crib before waking up and he will not go back down!! 😭 but he sleeps fantastic in our bed, but with another baby coming we need to get out of the habit of having him in bed. How do I sleep train him to sleep in his crib again?!? We have tried the cry it out and he ends up getting so upset he projectile vomits everywhere making it way more difficult because now we have a huge mess to clean up and a very upset baby. Any tips and tricks are very much appreciated!!! PS: my older one was not a great sleeper and still isn’t the best but we have him in his own bed and he usually only up once or twice during the night if at all.