So grateful for my husband and others on the front lines.

Llaycee🌼 • Momma to Graycee 🍼 Wifey 💍 Business owner ❄️ Child of God✝️

My husband works for the DOD as a mechanic for our military aircraft here in SoCal. Today we were placed under “Shelter in place” so many people will be sent home if their jobs aren’t deemed necessary. But my husband is excluded from that because his job is crucial for the defense of this country. My MIL and SIL both work in our local grocery store that will continue to stay open during this tough time.. I want to say thank you to all the men and women out there that are continuing to serve your community through the fear and the panic. I’m keeping everyone in my thoughts and praying you all stay safe and healthy. Please remain home as much as possible.. think about others.