

So to start with, we are not TTC. We have a 1 1/2 year old that thankfully came out fine from a very life-threatening pregnancy. I got my tubes clamped off as soon as I could and a year has passed since then. The thing is...

I'm starting to have the same kind of signs I did when I was pregnant with our son. Extreme fatigue (I'm talking over 24hours of sleep), random nausea but mostly when I wake up, mood swings. In addition I have some food cravings too? With our son I had taken 8 at home tests, 3 doctor clinic urine tests and even a blood test that all showed negative until I was about to be in my second trimester. I just had a very very light period where I was bawling through the whole thing which I have NEVER experienced before..

So could I actually be pregnant or is this just a LOT of coincidences?