We can’t find a name! 😩


My husband is the worst at name picking. He has no interest in it. And honestly any name he suggests is from some actress or video game character or dare I say porn star that he finds attractive. If he would bone her then he likes their name which instantly puts me off. We have 2 daughters and this will make our 3rd. Our other 2 have 3 syllable first names and 3/4 syllable middle names, unintentionally. So maybe we should stick with the longer names? 😩 idk. Here is a list of names we somewhat agree on but none we can definitively say that’s it. I NEED suggestions. I don’t care for trendy names like Kylie or Kinsey. If I don’t like the name you may suggest, don’t come at me lol I feel like I’ve heard everything. HELP.






And I personally think Adelaide would fit perfectly with our other 2’s names but DH thinks it’s dumb. 🙄