Giving birth alone


So our hospital announced today that there’s a possibility that husbands/partners/support people etc may not be able to attend any c-sections. They also said if babies are admitted to the NICU only one parent is allowed to see them for the day. No switching, no in and out and definitely not more than one person for the day. They said there’s a shortage of protective equipment and it will depend on the day if they have enough or not.

This is not my first surgery so that’s not what’s bothering me but my husband not being able to see our twins be born and the possibility that we won’t get to see them together is breaking my heart. I understand that they are just taking necessary precautions but this is not how we thought this would go.

UPDATE: So I called L&D and asked what I could do to possibly have him in the room and they said my best bet was to make sure both of us stay healthy and that we call a few days ahead to make sure they have the equipment. They said since my C-section is in April that I could possibly “reserve” a set of scrubs and a mask and all of that for him if I was to order it myself. They said if he doesn’t have a fever and we ordered through the hospital for the stuff he could be in the room because he would technically have the necessary safety gear and it would be his and we wouldn’t have to worry about someone else needing it. So that’s what I plan on doing. I spoke with the administrator and she said to have it ordered 2 weeks before the surgery and it would be there on time. I’m so happy y’all.