Worried mum


Hi there I need some advice as I really don’t know what to do. I’m working in super market, I came back from maternity leave last month I have one year old done who have poor immune system ad we have and still have a problem with his cough since December we even end up in hospital in January because he had really bad cough to that point he couldn’t breath, so with current situation with this virus I have to go to work as I’m classified as key worker in UK my company policy says no face mask no gloves and that really worries me as I have contact with customers all the time. My boy is still coming I already have my mum shouting at me and telling me I shouldn’t go to work because of little one and him still coughing my partner isn’t happy about it too, my boy health is important to me but also is my job and I can’t afford to loose it, if I go to work I’m planing on wearing face mask and gloves which my manager will tell me not to wear it because of the store policy I will argue if I have to. Anyway I Really don’t know what to do At the moment 😫