what could this be?

Okay, so to get my general info out of the way

I’m 19, the last time I had sex was about a month ago, I shaved completely about a week and a half ago, and I haven’t really masterbated in probably a week.

This is a horrible picture, I know but it’s the best I could do lol.

The red lines look like scratches on me but I’m not sure what they’re from. I was thinking they could be from when I was shaving. Maybe I was being too rough? or because my razor was a cheaper one.. I’m not really sure 🤷‍♀️ I’ve been itching a little down there for a few days so I’m a bit concerned. My discharge is pretty normal, a little more than usual but I’m also getting my period soon. I haven’t noticed a funky smell either. It’s just itchy!! And it’s driving me crazy!!

I’ve been hesitant about making a gynecologists appointment bc I’m afraid it’s going to be nothing and I’m really tight on money! But any advice would be super helpful!!

Hopefully its nothing and it’s just scratches! But if not I’ll be calling my gyno :(

Thanks so much ladies!!