Need help!


long post I apologise

So this little stinker has been amazing during the day, taking longer naps down to 2 nap day and hour and a half at least for 1 of them.. come night time she REFUSES sleep no matter what kind of awake time she has before bed. She usually sleeps in crib from 9-3 and then bed 3-9 because I'm not awake enough and I just side feed it cause it's safer. She never really truely wakes up at night. Last few nights she won't even go in her crib. Absolutely refuses. Only way I can get her to sleep is laying in bed with her and she instantly stops crying. Like full on I'm in turmoil crying.I'm assuming she just wants mom cause when she is in bed with me and falls asleep she MUST be touching me no matter how far away from me she is. ANY suggestions or advice or been though this before!?!

Also she's been on 2 naps for a little over two weeks

No signs of teeth coming whatsoever

It's not gas pain

I dunno mamas ! I get stuff down when she goes to bed ! She used to be fantastic - asleep within 2 minutes of laying down! Which is what she does for naps during the day!