It’s been so long, I’m afraid to let myself think it will happen...

My hub and I have been in an in between for the past few months of we don’t mind if it happens, but are not planning for it either. This month though, I ovulated sooner than expected and we had BDed the night before. So I just warned him that it was possible. He seemed excited, which got me excited! Haven’t been able to get pregnant in three years so we decided on just not using protection and whatever happens happens. It’s been awhile since the desire for it to happen has been there because every month I’ve gotten my period and have to more on, but this month feels different. I want it and for the first time, it feels like the right timing. I guess we will see, but I hope❤️

And I’ll find out right before his birthday(((: wouldn’t be too bad of a present I think(: