Dear Rude People...


Dear Rude People,

I know you think it's fine to comment on my age and how young I look. You say "Wow you're only like 17 and you have 3 kids, how are you coping? How's your mom?". Well, FYI, I'm 24 and married.

"Omg, pregnant again, haven't you had enough already? Kids need more attention than you're giving yours". Just so you know, I love my kids more than anything. If I want more, I'll have more. Sure, I don't always have time to look at everything they want to show me, but I'll get to it eventually. I make time for all my children, individually or otherwise, no matter what.

Maybe you think you're being nice, or just making a general comment, but you're not. Yeah, I was a teen mom twice. And yeah, it's not always easy with 3 kids. But it's not easy for anyone, no matter how old they are.

Mind your own business, because it's not okay to degrade me. I'm just a mom. And I have time for my kids. The person I don't have time for is YOU.

Love, the girl you stared at in the store the other day.