Is this normal??

Mimi • Baby boy born in April 2020 👶🏼 loss in 2021 👼🏼 rainbow baby coming in 2022 🌈

I’m 36+2 today and the pressure in my pelvis has gotten so uncomfortably strong. I can hardly walk, but the pain gets worse the longer I sit around. It just aches so badly whenever I move.

I’m a small person and my baby has been measuring on the small side of normal (23rd percentile at last ultrasound), so I don’t have as much extra weight to carry as some women... is it normal to be in this much discomfort at only 36 weeks? I can’t even imagine how I’ll feel by 40 weeks 😬 my doctor says I am probably bruised down there and I don’t really know what that means.

I know the last trimester of pregnancy is not supposed to be comfortable, but I’m just wondering if this much pain is normal?