Help! Feeding/ Sleep. Advise really needed


Back story: About six weeks ago my LO was in daycare at about 2.5mons we were both transiting him into a sleeping sack since he was starting to roll on he’s side. Finally for the most part he was getting use to it. Now we’re a military family SOO about a month ago we moved from England, visited family in Texas for a week and then came to Japan. ALOT for my little guy so now he has adjusted to the time change.

First, he’s sleep. Now I breastfeed him, he’s most of the time falls asleep and then I would move him. Not anymore, anything movement of me or if he doesn’t smell me he cry’s and/ wakes up. I’ve had to go back to swaddling him, he fuss a little bit then falls a sleep with a little wean. He doesn’t take a paci either. I’ve tried many. Any suggestions of products that helped with the transition would be great. Also, my baby is teething... how do I know because he has been biting down on my nipple, and rubbing anything on he’s gum. What can I do to help him with that? I feel like he’s still to baby for those numbing gel 😳😩

And the one thing that hurts me the most.... I think my milk supple is going down. 💔💔 I’ve fought and cried for my milk when we started this journey and both my mom and husband told me to just give him formula but I didn’t want to, I still don’t want too. Suggestions ?

I know it’s really long but I’m a newbie and starting to feel that guilt that I’m doing something wrong so I’m willing to ask for help to see what can help me, help my little man ❤️💙 TIA