Hunches on Birth dates ?!

Taylor • Girl Momma to 3 Princesses! 💕 Homestead Wife

Okay so this one is for fun purely! Back in early October I seen a psychic! Second time I’ve seen her and she’s been scary correct with things! She told me I would either put off my wedding for a baby, or have my wedding and give birth shortly after said wedding. She also told me my fiancée was sent to me by my grandpa who has passed as he needed someone to love me the way he did.

Fast forward to November ! I’m pregnant! Now 23 weeks and 4 days with our baby girl! Ironically due in July. My grandpas birth month.

Ever since I found out I’ve been dead convinced my grandpa sent her to me too and that she will be born early on his birthday of July 1! Not my due date!

My grandma (his wife) is still with us and she’s a witch hands down. Always has been and has said very little regarding the gender or birth of the baby. But the other day she texted me and told me grandpa is watching over us both and that she’s told people Freya is coming on his birthday as well. I nearly cried because she’s got a weird way of knowing these things.

Anyone else have a weird feeling around the birth ?

My family thinks it’s impossible I’ll go into labour early and that there’s no way she’s coming July 1, but I can’t shake the feeling that’s when I’ll have her. 💕