I feel so wrong but am I? Long story


Ok so I took my little brother in after he and his wife split on Halloween last year. I told him he could stay with me until he got on his feet, he didn’t have a job or a car. All of November he was depressed so I didn’t pick at him for not going out and trying to find a job. He seemed better in December so I started to talk to him about working. He finally got a job at dollar tree in January but it only lasted 2 weeks, not sure what happened there and he’s still not working, it’s been 5 months. I do have rules in my home like don’t bring strangers over (I have 3 kids and am extremely cautious). I don’t even know how many times I’ve had to remind him of that rule and found someone at my house we didnt know. He acts like a teenager (going out with friends, hooking up with random girls etc) he’s 27. I’ve been letting this slide for months, but now that this virus is going around I’m super paranoid about random people showing up at my house. I live in Dallas and he’s definitely not following the stay home order and the six foot rule. I found another random person this morning that he was trying to hide from me in my garage so I finally had enough and kicked him out. I felt so bad afterwards because he has nowhere else to go and he was crying and saying how sorry he was but he keeps doing it. It’s been 5 months and he still has no job and doesn’t help with anything or follow my rules. I have to move to my in laws house on the 31 because my hours were cut at work from the pandemic and I could’ve really used my brothers help with bills and all but he never got it together. It breaks my heart to leave him out there with nowhere to go but I just don’t know what else to do