Am I the only one

Canoli • AJH 💜 April 2019 JRH 💙 March 2021

Who still has to nurse their almost 1 year old down for a nap? She's fallen asleep for a nap maybe twice without nursing or being in the car. I've tried to recreate those times and I still ended up having to nurse her to sleep. I've tried dark rooms, music, reading, rocking, puting her down earlier than she normally naps, waiting until she was showing signs of being tired, our bed, her crib, CIO. She gets nursed, a full breakfast, and a snack before her nap so I really don't think she's hungry. We have a dairy protein allergy so I can't give her formula or a bottle of milk.

I've also been trying to cut out a nursing session at night and that's going horribly as well. 😭