Ultrasound question help pls!


I went in last week for a scan there was nothing seen in the gestational sac So a week later I went in today for a scan the midwife was able to see something this time but she couldn’t tell what it is yet she said it looked like a baby that is starting to grow.. and she guessing on how many weeks I am she said 6week 1d and then later she said she thinks I’m under 6w since things are slowly growing She just not sure since I had a MMC in Jan and didn’t get a period in between so she’s having a hard time to date the baby. What do y’all guys think? Am I just too early? And don’t need to worry at this point since there is a different this time? And just wait out for another date?? When was ur OB/midwife was able to see a baby in u/s and at how many weeks? I just need a reassurance.