Asking for hope: miscarrying my first pregnancy (TMI)

This was my first husband and I were over the moon when we found out We were pregnant.

I carried it until last night (9 weeks 5 days). It had stopped growing at 8 weeks and 1 day (according to my doctor). We heard the heart beat for the first time at 7 weeks and 4 days so I thought for sure that we would be in the clear.

I went to my doctors office yesterday after bleeding heavy and passing clots. The sonogram tech/nurse was so kind about it. She asked if we wanted to see what she saw and have it explained. We agreed. It was painful to hear, but I think it’s what I needed. It was immediately confirmed. We scheduled my D&C for today. My doctor went over everything with me and sent me home.

Last night I began to get the worst and most unbearable stabbing pains in my abdomen. My mom and dad even came over to offer comfort. I was pouring blood all evening. I was in full body sweats with these stunning pains that would come and go. I was laying on the couch talking with my parents and husband, and I felt a huge rush of blood in my pad. I went to the bathroom, and the little transparent sac fell out of me. It looked just like it was supposed to look according to the <a href="">pregnancy apps</a>. It was surreal and so painful to see the little fetus we had just seen a week and a half ago with a heart beat, outside of my body.

I continued with the D&C today to finish removing any other pieces that could cause more bleeding and cramps. My doctor took my little fetus for further testing along with the other stuff that was Removed during the D&C.

I feel so empty, and lonely in my own skin. I would love to hear about any stories of having a baby after miscarriage. I need hope. And someone to relate to. Please.