Thoughts on figuring my chances, please!


I'm 8 days late.

This DOES NOT HAPPEN to me -- I literally went through my charts back to 2015, when I started actually keeping track (didn't bother before bc was so regular I always just kinda knew when to have supplies handy, even aside from when I was on the pill) and I've never been more than two days off my average. No period, no spotting, no cramps, no *anything*.

The obvious hypothesis is that, after all this time (was not kidding about 2015), this is finally *it*.

But...all my POAS tests are coming back negative. They're internet cheapies so the hypothesis of a bad batch is available...which brings us back around to other signs. Unfortunately I wasn't temping nor tracking RHR this cycle (2015, y'all, it gets old) so can't say whether there was or wasn't a pre-AF crash.

Obviously stress is a hypothesis, but I've been under extreme stress before and still been like clockwork.

Having trouble getting a clinic appointment -- which one way or the other I need bc if this isn't *it* something else is wrong. Called yesterday, left voicemail for the nurse they're making everyone talk to first, thought she must be working a queue but starting to think I fell off the bottom of it somehow. And of course it's right for them to deal with critical situations first, not their fault that the system is stretched on a good day and it's had its last good day for many months.

Really, the timing is awful if this is *it*, and we're probably awful for keeping trying under the circumstances (but after trying since 20 freakin' 15 how were we to really expect anything this time...?), but...I still need to know.

I don't dare get excited; I don't dare even get my hopes up but it's happening anyway.

Any ideas as to how I could figure my chances in the absence of the usual options for getting more precision?