Owlet users question


Just want a little input on your LO’s oxygen levels overnight.

We just started solids which has changed the consistency of his reflux a bit to where it’s more caught in his throat and sinuses than actually coming up and out.

We also started wheat which is a prominent allergy in our family (stopped now today after he developed some eczema) so I’m trying to figure out if this is something I should be concerned over or not

His oxygen levels since he came home from the nicu have always been 98-100%. One time we had a drop to 96%.

The last few nights though, we’ve been getting some bigger drops, not enough to alarm, but still a bit worrisome when it’s always been up higher. He’s also been snoring so I’m unsure if it’s related to that and the reflux or what’s going on. Or maybe it just might be changing as he grows.

We used his owlet in conjunction with a medical grade monitor while admitted to the hospital (to “test” it) so we know it’s been accurate.

Do you have drops like this? Have you always? Or is it recent?

This is what it’s always been up until a few nights ago