Working from home


Good morning Mama's!

So I have to work from home and also take care of my 11 month old since all if this craziness is going in.. believe me..I don't mind staying home with the babe. Of course wish it was under different circumstances. My job has been very understanding that I am kind of limited, however, yesterday I was told I should be more available and if the baby cries or is noisy while I am on the phone to just apologize to the caller, put him in the activity center or just let him roam around in a baby proof area during my shift as i am still expected to work it to the best of my ability. I understand it all. And of course I do as much as I can while also tending to the baby's needs. I just don't feel like they understand how much tending to an almost 1 year old needs. It's not like he can occupy himself allday, he needs constantly being taking cared of and played with. Any ideas how I can deal with this from my fellow mom's? I feel like nobody else gets me. I am so stressed but also know I am not neglecting my child because of this. TIA💙