It isn't right and I know it...

No matter how much talking and fighting and trying to make it work with my husband it just isnt. I'm lonely. He's cold to me. Indifferent. Like it doesnt matter if I'm there or not. No sex, no intimacy of any kind...not even a kiss or hug.

I try to play the same card on him...but I'm the one that's hurting. He doesn't even notice. I want so badly just to have communication. I want to feel wanted. I want to feel how we used too. I still find him attractive and I still love him. But it's not the same for him. If he does feel that way, then I cant tell. We are 40 years old...we've been together 10 years. I'm just jealous of these women I see that have a partner that wants them and cares. It seriously makes me want to stray. And I know it isnt right and I wouldnt, but I find myself daydreaming about it. I've been very vocal with him about everything. He literally just doesnt care. Says he's not getting into it and stops it. Wont respond. Nothing. It's so old.