Help with makeup foundation!


I rarely wear make up and if I do it's eye shadow and lip gloss.

I'd like to start wearing makeup for two reasons

1. I just gave birth and my skin is not doing great so I think I actually need it now, at least for some work meetings until hormones rebalance

2. I just had twin girls and I know this is early but I got a little sad thinking how I wasn't taught about makeup so I just didn't wear it but I'd like to teach them.

Now that I'm working from home it's the perfect time to experiment with makeup.

I just don't know how to get started.

Is there a certain type or brand of foundation you would reccomend? I'll have to buy a couple in order to find my right color match so it can't be too expensive. I'm 36 so I think not to use powder? I heard powder was best on younger girls? I really know nothing as you can tell and it's a bit embarrassing to even have to write this haha

I do plan on watching YouTube tutorials etc I just need to know what type of foundation and brand to get to experiment.

Thanks ladies for your help!

Update - Sorry ladies I should have been more clear. I can't go to a store to have them match my color etc because everywhere is closed due to quarantine and by the time they reopen I'll be back at work and no time to experiment so I'm trying to figure out things on my own :)