Fed up (really long I’m sorry)

While in High school my grandpa wa suddenly diagnosed with brain cancer went into surgery and for the lack of better words came out like a vegetable (i mean no offense, it’s how i viewed based on how he lived his life prior). It was my grandfather on my mother’s side. I was a sophomore or maybe a junior in high school and both parents are nurses so I know stuff. My parents have been divorced for as long as I can remember.

My mom did not tell me. She wasn’t going to. My dad told me when i got home. He gave me the option to go see him in the hospital. I told my mom I was coming and she was pissed. Both her and my aunt said i was “too young”. I remember them confronting me as i got off the elevator. I just wanted to see my grandfather. He passed away 14 months later in a nursing home, never regaining any of his old abilities.

To this day i have a lot of trust issues when it comes to the health of the people in my moms side. They never come out and say anything straight. Never. It’s a fight to get any information. I found out on Friday my grandma was admitted to the hospital for a GI bleed. She’s still there. I asked my mom if she knew anything and she said no. So i asked my aunt and all she did is give me the hospital umber. So i called her.

When she answered she was really short of breath and wheezy. (Doesn’t have asthma) That doesn’t make sense for GI bleed. I asked her if she was feeling okay and of course she said yes. I can’t visit because of the virus. I’m having a really hard time trusting them. And I’m worried. My aunt took her out of the house last week to several stores. I know she probably doesn’t have covid19 but the not knowing anything and it’s annoying.

Thank you for reading.