Need advise

So last night my boyfriend broke up with me because we haven’t been able to see eachother for a month ( he’s got a chronic illness) and the stress of staying inside not knowing what’s going on and a relationship got too much for him.

He told me that he still cares about me and still has feelings and while he doesn’t know what will happen in the future he wants to try to get back together once quarantines over.

He told me he’s not going to flirt or sext other girls because of me it wouldn’t feel right and said it would hurt a tinge if I slept with other guys but he can’t stop me because he forfeited those rights when he broke up it’s me.

Honestly my head is doing loops over the smallest things,

I’m thinking what if I hookup with someone will that ruin what I’ve got with him?

What if he doesn’t want to be with me in the end and I wait around?

What if I don’t wait around and really miss out on having the connection I’ve got with him because it’s stronger than what I’ve ever had before.

I know his anxiety about the virus is through the roof and understand why he thought it best to end our relationship while he focuses on his mental and physical health he encouraged me to do the same, I just want what’s best for him and I understand how this is what needs to happen right now.

I’ve had another guy hit on me as soon as he found out I was single and while he’s attractive I just don’t know if it’s right, it doesn’t feel right in my gut because I don’t want to hurt my now ex.

Please any advise or anything on this I really appreciate it I think I just needed to rant so thank you lovelies for listening x