can’t orgasm - advice?

*lengthy post*

in summary, i’ve never been able to orgasm and honestly wouldn’t have a clue how to go about it. i’ve never been into masturbating so that’s not something i’ve tried much of. a lot of people say this is the way to start but i have a lot of mental barriers with this.

in the past i’ve been in 2 abusive relationships, both partners told me there was something wrong with me because of this fact but i thought at the time it’s because i was scared of them/not into it.

now i’m in a much better situation. i have a very loving boyfriend and we’ve been together a year. he’s helped my confidence so much, especially in terms of sex. he makes me feel safe and listens to me. he’s always doing the absolute most and tries his best to make me feel good literally all of the time. the sex feels good but i have a very sensitive clit and don’t like him going anywhere near there.

it’s making him feel rubbish because he thinks he’s not doing enough to please me which isn’t true. it’s not like i care too much if i can’t cum because sex still feels good but it’d be nice to know what’s actually up. i just don’t know what’s up or how to figure this out. i’ve been told before that i should stop ‘overthinking’ but at this point i know that i’m not and i also know he makes me feel good but i’ve never came from it.

i’m just a bit stuck and if anyone has any advice i’d be so so grateful.