More accurate due date?

Caitlin • I`m a married 30 y/o high school digital integration specialist. My husband and I welcomed our rainbow baby into the world 1/2017 and are excited to prepare to expand our family in the next few months.
I know I won't know a more accurate due date until I meet with my doctor (in the works of getting that set up soon). But, I've played around with a few pregnancy trackers and have gotten ranges of being from 5w 3d on Glow all the way to 7 weeks on a couple other trackers. I feel like Glow is giving me a more accurate estimate since its been tracking my periods since April or May. Has anyone else had this issue until they meet with their OB?  Which was more accurate?
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Glow was only off by 2 days on mine.


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I just pretty much used the method the Dr's usually use. Use 1st day of last period, go back 3 months, then up 3 days. Should be around there.


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I would go with the Glow pregnancy tracker. It knows more of the details about how long your periods last and how many days apart they are than those random sites with pregnancy trackers.