Need Reassurance Please


Hey ladies! I have high anxiety and am just hoping someone can help reassure me.

I had my 8 week appt on March 2 and heard the heart beat.

My 12 week appt was cancelled but I still got to do the NIPT test. They called me last Friday and told me the results were negative and it’s a boy!

However, I’m struggling with not having seen anyone or heard the heartbeat since 8 weeks.

Bc of my anxiety and hypochondria I don’t want to get a Doppler bc I’m afraid it will do me more harm than good.

I guess my question is.... if I have had a missed miscarriage or anything like that.... would the NIPT have come back looking funny? Surely something wouldve been flagged right?

This is just a blah time. I wanna see my baby! Lol