Idk what’s going on

So a week ago this is what was happening LONG READ!

I have bad mood swings, sore boobs. More so the left one is more sore. I’m breaking out on my chin. I do find my self constantly hungry. I’m tired all the time. Cramps left side and I’ve had cramps in lower left side of my back. My left boob is so tender/sore it’s stupid. Oh and couple nights ago I had a strong metallic taste in my mouth tasted like I just sucked on 10 pennies. Last a little bit and then went away. Like I’m happy then I go to being pissed off then I literally will cry over something that’s nothing to cry about. I haven’t tested due to my stores around me being sold out of pregnancy test every time I look!

Like I said today is a week later and my boobs are still sore I’ve had like a stinging zing like 2x today and I’m cramping but not horribly!