thinking about ex while in a new relationship?

So, my previous ex was my first love. Lost my virginity to him. When we broke up seven months ago, it completely crushed me. I didn’t think I was going to be able to ever feel love again or find someone new. Six months later, I did and I am so happy with him. He treats me better than my ex ever did - he makes me feel special, he listens, he makes plans with me and I love being around him. I wouldn’t want anyone else. But there are still times where I get in my feelings about my ex. I can’t tell if it happened too fast, I don’t know.... maybe I got in a relationship too quick? It doesn’t inhibit my relationship with my current boyfriend: it doesn’t make me like him any less, it doesn’t make me not trust him, it doesn’t affect our relationship at all. I don’t talk about him and when I am with my current boyfriend, I feel happier than I ever have before.

But still, especially with this quarantine and not being able to see my boyfriend, I think about it a lot. I wonder how he’s doing, what he thinks of me, if he thinks of me, whatever. I think of our breakup and how crushed it left me. It is never enough to reach out to him or cry about it, but I still find myself wondering. I find myself relating songs I listen to about him. I don’t want him back, I never will and I’m very happy as I am now, but why am I thinking about him? Is it because it was such a hard breakup for me? Should I be concerned? Is it normal?