Best ways to get over a break up

I’m 14 and my boyfriend is 16, we had been together for 6 months and last night he broke up with me because of a disagreement we had. We didn’t end on bad terms though but Im extremely upset and want to be with him. We also broke up two times before in February because he was talking to another girl that he knew I didn’t want him talking to because of things that happened between the two. I’m really in love with him, I miss him so much no matter how many times he’s hurt me. When we broke up he said I was great and I hadn’t done anything wrong he just realised he doesn’t feel like we should be together and that him constantly being extremely busy was an issue for us so we shouldn’t be together n gave me no further explanation. I really miss him but he’s also hurt me in the past a lot that I’m not really over but I let it go. All my friends think I shouldn’t be with him but I don’t know how to get over him when I know I should . Best ways to get over a break up??