Depression (rant)


It’s been so hard to take joy in this pregnancy. Before the covid hit, my husband was fired from his job. We could no longer support ourselves and had to move to Fl with my parents.

Now due to covid my husband wasn’t been able to get a job in his field and we have to move to Wisconsin with my mom since she just bought a house out there.

The stress of having to move TWICE while pregnant is so shitty and the moment we get to Wisconsin (on a good note Wisconsin is my home state) my hubby is going to apply for a job even though covid is keeping us from getting jobs right now.

It’s looking like we may have to have this baby while still with my parents. :,(

Of course this pregnancy is wanted but it sure was not planned as we have a 6 month old. So my family is not joyful at all and anytime I bring the baby up, I’m put down. As if I planned to get pregnant a week before my husband was fired.

Don’t get me wrong. I love this baby so much but I feel like I’m joyful in silence and sad because I wanted so much for all my kids. Having their own rooms and everything but we’ve been set back to 4 in a room and my dad is a complete asshole, so we are stuck with being yelled at over the most stupid shit.