Cervidil Induction birth- fast & furious!

Sweet Harper Mackenzie was born this AM at 5:45 AM, at 39 weeks 1 day. 7 lbs 10 Oz!

We were induced due to gestational hypertension. We went in at 8 and the midwife checked me. She told me I was 1 cm and “very soft”, and she placed Cervidil at 9:30. Took a benedryl to sleep right after and started to read my book. Their plan was to reasses my cervix after 12 hours and follow up with either a foley bulb and/or pitocin... but within an hour I was having AWFUL back aches- I couldn’t even lay down it was just constant pain! I thought it was probably just some crampiness from the cervidil and dealt with it until about 1:30 AM when I was in SO much pain I couldn’t deal- and it was coming and going more like contractions🥴 It was cycling from back labor to regular front labor. At 2:30AM the midwife checked me because I was in so much pain and BOOM I was 5 cm 😧I was like what?! Come again?! I took a shot of pain meds, and it worked for about 45 minutes. They checked me again at 4AM and I was 7 cm 🥴😆I screamed that I needed an epidural cuz I was terrified of how fast it was moving!!! They had to check me again right before the epidural to make sure there was time. Got the epidural in (barely) and by 5AM I was 10 cm😯 they let me chill as long as we could for the epidural to kick in- but baby girl was on her way! 5 pushes and she was out! My first baby was induced at 41 weeks and took 35 hours and 2 hours of pushing! So I was in total shock. What a wild ride!