Tips on bottle feeding??


Hey mamas,

So my son is 10.5 months old and he is breast fed. I have a HUGE supply of breast milk that I worked so hard on and I am cutting back on nursing him because I want to stop. But for some reason he does not want to drink breast milk from a bottle anymore. He had no issue in the past so I don’t know what started this but its been 1-2 months now. He drinks water and juice perfectly from sippy cups and bottles but when it comes to breast milk he just doesn’t want it. He makes a face like he is disgusted lol. I’m not sure what to try to get him to drink it. I want him to get enough breast milk and I don’t want my supply to go to waste. At this point he’s only nursing before bed and twice in the morning. I would love if he took a bottle at lunch time when I give him a smaller meal or instead of that meal.