Worried about Formula intake.


My little Girl just turned 7 months on the 6/4/20, i am now having issues trying to get her to take her bottle, she had her botton 2 teeth push through a couple of weeks ago. Everytime i give her a bottle she’s taking a couple ounces then tryin to sit upright, i wind her then try to give her back the bottle and she starts screaming and crying and turning her head away from the bottle like she doesn’t want it. I give her cereal after her morning bottle (which she is also fussy with after sleeping a full night) and after her 1pm bottle she gets half savoury half fruit around 3pm, then bottle at 5pm which she fusses with, I’m really frustrated as I don’t know what is going on but she isn’t now taking anymore then 20oz a day down from 28-30oz. Any suggestions why? I’m a bit worried amd thinking i should maybe phone HV because I don’t know if this is enough for her now along with solids.