Cat scratching my wallpaper


Sorry if this is the wrong group I didn’t know where to post. I have a 2 year old male cat he is neutered and typically a house cat though he loves the sit at the open window and occasionally jumps down onto the ground for a brief 3 seconds then back in. At night time especially he goes into the hallway and starts scratching the wallpaper, it’s only in that one part of the house but he has totally destroyed it, the paper is so torn. He done this previously in the kitchen and I had to replace it he hasn’t done it since but every single night he goes for the hallway paper. I’ve got the the point where I put something in front of the wall so he can’t get to the bit he usually rips like a small bin etc at night to keep him away but he just starts on the next bit. If I lock him in a different room at night he does it in there, I put him in the front room the other night and he scratched hell out of my storage boxes I woke up to pieces of fabric everywhere!!! If I let him in my bedroom he uses my bedpost as a scratching post, or my sheets, luckily the bed is fabric and doesn’t show noticeable rips but it’s so weird, I don’t know why he does this and I don’t know how to stop it but it’s driving me insane he is wrecking my house :( he has 3 scratching posts (one is like an animal climbing frame with an added bed in it and the other two are medium sized) and a ton of toys so it’s not as though he doesn’t have anything! Pleeease tell me someone has a solution for this!