He's forcing me to abort

So I'm 18 and 5w3d pregnant, just found it 4 days ago the "parent" is my ex boyfriend, we broke up cause he was going through a lot of mental health problems and needed some time alone, anyways I was there by his side all the time, he always send me cute messages everyday and come to see me and all of what a couple do.

I was on Birth control, but last month I had an overdose with sleeping pills (I have depression and anxiety btw), I ended up in the hospital, they put me intravenous for 2 days and do a stomach wash (I don't know how is it called) so I'm thinking this was the reason my bc pill didn't work properly, but I'm so confused.

The day I found it I call my ex boyfriend to come over and I told him, his first response was "where can I buy the pills for you to abort?" I felt broken, I live in Mexico, but not in the capital, so the abortion is completely illegal, that means he wants me to take the pills just by following "recipes" of how to abort on the internet, even though that could lead me to an hemorrhage or serious infection.

All he does is talk about "his future" and how this "throws all his dreams and plans to the trash", like he will be the only afected by any decisions we make, he didn't even ask me if I wanted the baby.

When I found it I was really happy, cause for the first time I felt like there's something to fight for and be a better me.

Just imagining my baby death cause of the abortion pills, god... I don't know if I could go through a depression crisis like that all alone...

I don't know what to do, he even bought the pills already, I feel so lost.

(Sorry if there's any grammar mistake, eng it's not my first language)