Let’s Talk Food


So my 8 month old swore off most purées at about 6.5 months, so I have been feeding him the bland version of what we eat. He has never been small (born 9lb 1oz) but he has chunked out to over 20 lbs. I am afraid I’m feeling him too much.

He still nurses 2 or 3 times at night. More just suckles back to sleep than actually eats.

Example of our day.

Morning nurse

Breakfast - half a cup of baby yogurt or 2oz fruit purée.

Nurse to sleep for nap

Lunch- other half of yogurt and/or another 2 or 4 oz fruit purée. Some puffs or Cheerios. Maybe a teething biscuit or “Cheetos”

Nurse to sleep for nap

Dinner - something like... half an avocado, 1 crush meatball, and some crushed carrots or crushed chicken, mashed potatoes, and crushed broccoli

This seems like SO MUCH MORE food than my 3 year old ever ate.
