My little man is here!!

I went in for induction on 4/10 at around 8:30PM. I was 39 weeks 1 day. I was only 1 cm so they gave me cervidal to soften my cervix at 10pm that night. Started cramping at 11:30. Contractions started on 4/11 at 6am. At 10am still only 1 cm. They did the balloon in order to get me more dilated, by the time the balloon was removed I was 5 cm. Was in pain all day, no epidural. At 7pm I was ready to start pushing. Pushed for 38 minutes, his shoulder got stuck, but Dr got him unstuck and he was here. I'm very proud that I went all natural even though the pain was terrible.

Jacob 4/11/2020 7:38PM

8lbs 13 oz 21 in. long