[long] Insensitive comments to pregnant women

Hayley • 👧🏼 + Baby # 2 due Oct 2024 ♥️

I’m a day shy of 19 weeks with my first baby and I can’t tell you how many people have made insensitive comments about my bump...

• “how many weeks? Oh wow... you’re a bit round...”

• “you’re showing so much for 19 weeks”

• “do you worry that you will have a huge baby?”

• “I cant believe how much you are showing.”

Y’all, it’s ridiculous. I never thought I would hear so many judgmental comments being pregnant. I know people mean no harm... but people can be incredibly insensitive to pregnant women, especially during an already sensitive time.

I keep finding myself come up with excuses to defend my bump... “I’ve only gained 2 pounds, I was fit before I became pregnant, she’s measuring a week ahead...” and honestly, I’m done providing myself self-reassurance.

I LOVE MY BUMP. I love feeling our baby girl move. I love when she is balled up on one side. I love knowing that she is growing and meeting her milestones. I LOVE being pregnant with our baby girl. And I am DONE caring about what people say. Every woman is different. And ALL bumps are beautiful. 💗💙

That’s my rant for the day, and here’s a pic of my sweet bump that I love so much!