Are these symptoms??

So, i had unprotected sex march 22, which was a little over three weeks ago. The other night i had sore boobs out of nowhere. Like they even hurt to touch. It lasted a day and since then they’ve barely hurt. I also used to snack all the time, but i just haven’t been hungry at all lately. I keep getting cramps and abdominal pain.

Now these are not my period symptoms. I never ever have had sore boobs before. I am also on the pill, but i don’t take it correctly, I take it only to stop my period, so as long as i take it almost every day it doesn’t come. I didn’t take it the day i had unprotected sex because i didn’t know it was going to be unprotected— we usually use condoms but ran out.

Once i realized i could be pregnant I stopped taking the pill and my period came a day late and it lasted not even an hour. It was very light. I keep having cramps and this morning when i wiped there was a little bit of brown mucusy blood, but nothing after it.

Are these symptoms? none of this is normal for my body.