How do you stand the waiting, the loss?

Hiya! Gosh, trying to get pregnant already felt lonely; this virus makes it all so much worse. We’ve been trying for a year and a half and have lost two pregnancies: first an ectopic, then a miscarriage a week ago. My heart broke in ways I could never have predicted both times. No one knows this particular grief until they’ve lived it.

Ladies who have been on this journey - how do you stand it? How do you keep going, keep working, keep pretending life is normal, when every day is an eternity of thinking when will I get my period again so we can try? When will it work? Will I get pregnant again and lose it another time? Will this ever work out for us? Will I be sitting in the same house, thinking the same things next April, alone with an empty place where a nursery should be?

It’s so much harder to live with all this with so much more uncertainty and anxiety in the world now. When we started the stay at home order, I was still pregnant and I thought ‘this isn’t so bad! Nothing could rain on my parade - I’m pregnant!!’ And now of course after the miscarriage everything just feels completely hopeless.

I should be grateful to be healthy and keeping my job! But I’m still so sad. Any advice on just making it through?