
Hi ladies.. 😔 I am a 19 year old female, around a year and a half ago I realized that I grow pretty thick hair on the back of my thighs. At first I was like alright, no big deal! Just shave. But oh my gosh it grows back so fast. I feel stubble the next day and I know it's stupid but it is actually so overwhelming. Mentally draining 😭 And then I noticed on my chin there was like a dark hair or two. Once again, no big deal. But then it started getting worse and worse. And NOW under my chin..neck area there is a bit of hair growth (not dark hairs, just stubble) and my gosh, it just pisses me off. I'm so insecure, I hate wearing shorts, I hate when I have my hair up cause now I feel exposed especially around my man!! I'm so overwhelmed and just..over it. I hate it. I'm starting to think I have some type of a problem because not only is it those areas, it's also my butt and my inner thighs. I love to have smooth skin. I find myself shaving and plucking EVERYDAY. Please don't say "laser hair removal" like come on. I'm not gonna do that, I am 19 years old. I do not have money. Is there anyone that struggles with this same problem.. I am asking for any type of advice 😭 thank you so much. 😔💔