when do babies sleep longer without formula



when do babies sleep longer without formula? My LO is 3 months and still eats at least 2 times a night, wondering when they stop doing that?

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Posted at
Every baby is different but this is just what happened to us! My little girl has been sleeping through the night since 6 weeks old. Before then, she was waking up around 3am and i was feeding her a bottle, and she would always be sick. I didn’t realise it at the time but she didn’t need a bottle, she just needed her pacifier back and a ‘there there’ and that’s been her ever since 😊 Every baby is different and most do still need fed but have you tried it? A full sleep will come soon 😊


Alex • Apr 18, 2020
Oh no! At least you tried and ruled it out.. it’ll just mean you will appreciate the full nights sleep more when it comes! At least he’s happy & healthy. Good Luck! 💗


Se • Apr 18, 2020
Tried 2 nights, and he’s definitely eating and hungry. lol 😂 I think he’s just chunky and likes his bottles. Maybe sometime soon. He’s also going through sleep regression right now so he’s up a lot more 🥴


Alex • Apr 16, 2020
Definitely give it a go! and remember babies are noisy sleepers so if it’s not a cry or something sounding wrong then i tend to just leave it. Lol. Good luck 😊 x


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My babe stopped night feeds around 8 weeks old, 15 weeks old now. She occasionally wakes at around 3am for a bottle but usually through the night!


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It is recommended to over 5.5 kgs and bigger 2.5 month of age babies can sleep over for a night but of course you should first consult with your doctor.Normally after 6 month of age night feeding is over totally.


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My daughter is almost 15 weeks and she’s been sleeping through the night since about 2 months. The key is making sure she gets all of her formula in for the day before bed... she eats about 28-30 ounces a day so she will eat it all between 7am and 7pm.


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Not sure, my chunkers wakes up for a bottle 2x a night and she’s 15 weeks! Lol


Se • Apr 18, 2020
Omg mine too! I have to be ready bc the only time he cries is when he isn’t fed fast enough lol


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My first born stopped eating at night at 6 months. My twins are 3 months and only eat once at night. I think it really just depends on the baby.... it will continue to get better and better!


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I give my daughter her last bottle at 1am then she sleeps till 8am but occasionally she will want one at 5am it just depends if she’s going through a growth spurt she’s 4 months old now