I think I might have pmdd

Could someone w pmdd please leave a comment abt what it’s like bc I think I might have it but Im not sure. I’m not trying to self diagnose I’m just trying to narrow down the possibilities, and I’m going to go to a doctor after lockdown I’ve decided.

I’ve noticed a pattern since quite a while ago and I think it could be linked to my period bc all of these things are normally when I’m on my period or close to getting it.

-Ive almost committed suicide 3 times

- I cry and I’m not sure why But I want to be sad and I want to hate myself

- I feel nothing, just empty.

I only recently found out about PMDD and I’m sort of relieved that it is a thing and maybe what and why I’m feeling like this isn’t bc I’m broken.

So yeah if you could leave a comment telling me more about it thats would be appreciated thanks