I could use some encouragement

Hi ladies.

I’m so glad I found this group. I’ve had issues going on. I had a miscarriage in September of last year and I was heartbroken. Been trying since my d&c and it’s not happening. I’ve been one to get pregnant easy and now I have all these cycle issues ever since that surgery. I’m not getting any answers and it’s driving me crazy.

This is where I need the encouragement. I have been feeling terrible feelings of inadequacy. I have prayed so hard with my husband on our tears In tears for answers and to have another baby. And I keep thinking we’ll maybe God thinks I’m not a good mom and that’s why I’m not getting pregnant and things like that. I’ll admit, I was angry at God after my miscarriage. I have been feeling ignored by him and I feel my faith slipping at times. And I don’t want to let the enemy win.

Does anyone have any good scripture verses I could read, or talks, podcasts, or even songs to help me feel loved and comforted? Has anyone been through something like this? What helped you overcome the dark cloud over your head?