Bottles and Bedtime

Rose • Mommy to Emma 🎀🌈 Wife 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 Educator 👩🏼‍🏫 Baby #2 due June 2021 👶🏻

I feel like a failure as a mom 😭

My 15 month old still drinks bottles. 1 during the day. 1 before bed to fall asleep. Like 3 overnight 😐 Whenever she wakes up she screams until she gets a bottle to go back to sleep. It’s toddler formula (go and grow) because she hates milk of any kind. We keep offering though.

She also co-sleeps. We were totally anti-cosleeping. She slept all night in her crib in her room. Until 8 months when she had a seizure in her sleep. Then she joined us in bed and hasn’t slept alone, or all night, since.

I see friends kids who are younger than her who are off bottles and in cribs. And I just cry because I feel like I’ve been a bad mom to let her continue these things 😔