Just need someone to listen

My husband about a year and half ago was texting someone that he supposedly met at a "gas station" but I was never able to know what the texts read, just that he had contacted his contact "John". He told me they had a small convo, felt guilty and stopped texting the person. Around the same time he made a fake twitter account to look at naked girls and "like" beautiful girl pictures. Within that time frame, we had a baby he is two now. I'm so self conscious about my body after seeing what he likes. Ive gotten some weight put on me in my leg area. I'm at 198 when I was at 150s.

I have a VERY hard time getting sexually attracted to him, its like we'll start almost getting to it, Ill realize I hate the way I look and feel like he's judging and just say I just want to stop. I mean he does compliment me but I feel so insecure now because of the past incidents. Its really making our marriage difficult