I hate this

So here’s my story....

I just turned 30. For the past 6 months my cycles have been very regular. Glow has predicted cycles like clock work. In the past my cycle has never been more than 2 days late and that was while I was taking birth control. Fast forward to now. Here we are in day 38 of a normal 30 day cycle and I am too scared to test because I hate negative test results. I’ve been cramping since the day AF was due and have been TMI wet down there as if she has started and nothing. Normally I’m constipated before AF and I’ve been regular. Last night my husband and I were BD and I my crevice was very high. Normally when she’s coming sex is painful. They say you can skip a period in your lifetime and that’s where my mind is. I know I can only find out by testing. Waiting a few more days of that. Just wanted to get some advice and opinions on what other women have experienced.